That’s it, it’s the end, it’s time for me to hang up. Thank you to everyone who accompanied me on this adventure, to everyone who supported me, encouraged me, challenged me. To my family, my loved ones, my friends, everyone I met along the way, collaborators, professionals, clients who made this story so special.
The kid passionate about photography that I was would never have imagined that I would achieve this journey and all these great adventures.
But now, the passion having flown away, it’s time for me to fly away in turn and do everything I can to find it again. It is in Montreal that this new story will be written, with the integration of the Faculty of Communication at UQAM within the Interactive Media program. Three years of study to discover a new universe and new means of visual and sensory creation, but also, a new way of life, of thinking, new people.
Lots of discoveries to come and that’s exactly what I needed.