Just back from an exploratory trip to Montreal, to test the waters for new projects, it’s time to move on to the French Surfing Championships that took place in Biarritz.
Why talk about these in particular when I’ve done it every year since 2013? Precisely because a page is about to turn. My trip and my personal dynamics mean that I’m convinced that these will be my last. I’ve also decided not to touch a camera this week, leaving that responsibility to the rest of the team, in order to focus on what I still enjoy, editing.
So in the end, a shortened program due to the storm but an increased intensity with a great team of 6 people, a TV set to feed with images in the evening and a whole new management to assimilate. A lot of renderings certainly, but a lot of good content, thanks to the great conditions and everyone’s work. One last one for the road and it is with this summary that I hand over to the next generation.